Founded as part of the Leadership Morgan Hill Class of 2009 project our new organization will continue to serve the needs of volunteers and service organizations in our community.
As an Alliance Member, Volunteer Morgan Hill will operate with a working board and is already working to repeat the success of last year's Volunteer Faire. The new board is made up of class members from the Leadership Morgan Hill Class of 2009 and include:
Victor Gaxiola- President
Larry McElvain- Vice President
Cynthia Mann- Secretary
Janice Crosier- Treasurer
Jeff Dixon- Operations
The board held its first meeting this past week and will be working in March to outline the make up of the new organization and begin the process or organizing the needs for the upcoming Volunteer Faire in September 2010. In addition, the board expect to build partnerships with local volunteer organizations and to further enhance the vision of volunteerism in our community.
For those of you that have an expressed an interest in getting involved and being part of our organization as we develop our strategy, please send an e-mail to
Thank you,
Victor Gaxiola
President-Volunteer Morgan Hill