Thursday, August 13, 2009

Volunteer Morgan Hill Gets National Coverage on the Blog

Volunteer Morgan Hill and our upcoming Volunteer Faire got a big boost today by being the lead blog story under the "Community Renewal" section of the blog.

Over the last couple of weeks we have been posting videos and content from the site, and our involvement in the United We Serve initiative.

For those of you unfamiliar with United We Serve, here is a short overview:
"United We Serve is a nationwide service initiative that will help meet growing social needs resulting from the economic downturn. With the knowledge that ordinary people can achieve extraordinary things when given the proper tools, President Obama is asking us to come together to help lay a new foundation for growth. This initiative aims to both expand the impact of existing organizations by engaging new volunteers in their work and encourage volunteers to develop their own "do-it-yourself" projects. United We Serve is an initial 81 days of service but will grow into a sustained, collaborative and focused effort to promote service as a way of life for all Americans." (

We are proud to be part of the United We Serve initiative this summer and playing our part in the community. We encourage all citizens of Morgan Hill and our surrounding areas to join us and volunteer in our community.

See you on September 12th!

The Leadership Morgan Hill Class of 2009

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